The Best Non-Baby Gifts for New Parents

Parents of a newborn baby are always looking for a new gadget or device to help them figure out how to deal with their new bundle of joy daily. However, most new parents would be thrilled to receive a non-baby gift every once in a while, to de-stress and have fun together.
Parents are always in need of a break from changing dirty diapers and trying to successfully feed their newborn, so a non-baby gift would surely brighten their spirits! Here at OZKIZ, we’ve put together the very best non-baby gifts for new parents that they will surely love just as much as they love their new and precious baby.
1) A Cocktail or Drink Crafting Set:
When their new baby is finally fast asleep for the night, most parents won’t be able to contain their excitement at the thought of making and enjoying a cocktail together. A drink-making set, such as a whiskey stone set, is the ideal non-baby gift for parents who enjoy winding down with a mixed drink in hand. This set includes all of the needed ingredients and stones that can efficiently act as ice cubes, taking away any stress from actually making the drink itself. When parents need a drink at the end of the day, this is the gift set to get!
2) Scented Candles or Wax Melter:
When new parents first bring home their newborn baby, they will have to endure several differential changes within their daily lives, quickly becoming stressed out or aggravated. Help them become relaxed by gifting them with a scented candle or scented wax with a wax melter. Pick out scents that you know they will love, and this non-baby gift will surely keep their home smelling comforting and welcoming all year round!
3) A Vacuum or Popular Cleaning Device:
As much as they adore their newborn baby, most new parents admit that children can be extremely messy. You can help new parents keep their homes clean and tidy by gifting them with a vacuum, perfect for picking up the tiny messes that may be left behind from their busy days of, simultaneously, parenting and working.
4) A Caffeinated “Pick-Me-Up” Gift
Between working a rigorous occupation that allows them to provide for their family and adjusting to a brand-new sleep cycle that comes along with bringing a newborn baby home, most new parents are indeed in need of some caffeine. Gift them with a carafe coffee holder that will allow them to sip on piping hot coffee all day long! They will surely appreciate this gift, as it will help them get through their morning and afternoon routines after an exhausting night of caring for their newborn.
5) Noise-Reducing Slippers From OZKIZ
The last thing parents want to wear when they have finally gotten their little one down for a nap is noisy slippers that could wake their newborn up. Noise-Reducing Slippers from OZKIZ are the perfect non-baby gift for new parents that can significantly assist parents in keeping their child asleep while wearing incredibly comfortable footwear. Made for both children and adults, OZKIZ’s noise-reducing slippers are the perfect gift for the entire family to adorn.