5 Best Summer Indoor Activities for Your Children

The snow has melted, the cold crisp air has bid goodbye, and the birds are chirping blissfully outside. The flowers have bloomed and the trees are back, but unfortunately, people are still advised to stay at home this summer.
It is undeniable that with the pandemic and the quarantine dragging indefinitely, parents are already discombobulated with how to amuse their children at home who are also as fidgety as them.
Summer is here and though it is scorching hot outside, it is also the best time to bask under the sun at the beach with your friends and family.
However, it seems like this is not happening this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the daycare and closures of school, parents have taken the responsibility to educate their children at home and this has been stressful to many families. This on and off lockdown has taken its toll among parents and children. That is why; parents need more help in finding activities to make their children entertained at home especially during this tempting good weather called summer.
Truly, it is complex to keep the children entertained. They are easily bored and always seeking something exciting and fun. The activities that mommies give them only occupy them for a short period, and then they look for another activity to do. But worry no more, because there are ways to enjoy summer indoors! Parents, take this time to embrace summer as an opportunity to cheer and participate in a play.
1. Play Dress Up
Children love dressing up. Take out those clothes that have been hiding in the closet for a long time and create new clothes for them. Mix and match clothes for them to feel a sense of excitement and becoming creative. Make sure that the clothes you let them wear are comfortable and not only fashionable. This is because the summer heat can trigger irritability among children. But with comfortable clothes, they can play dress up and will not be bothered by the hot weather. Let them play their favorite characters, or let them pretend that they are on the beach by wearing their swimsuits in the bathtub!
2. Cookery
Make delicious foods with your children that are perfect for summer like iced candy, jelly, ice cream, fruit salad, and juice mixes. Allow your children to explore the kitchen and participate in making their snacks. This will bring a lot of fun for them and even learn lots of self-help skills along the way. Let them cut the fruits for their fruit juice or fruit salad. But make sure that there is adult supervision while doing this activity.
3. Camping in Your Backyard
Since we are not encouraged to do camping like we used to because of the pandemic, you can still bring out your tents and set them up in your backyards. This will surely excite your children. You can cook barbeque and smores at night with the children. However, perhaps this time not with the campfire but with portable grillers.
4. Start a Reading Program
Children love reading stories. This is a good time to encourage them to read more. Try making a list of books that they need to finish reading by the end of summer. This will make them have an objective. Also, reading is very good for your children’s brain development and language skills. You can even do a read-aloud with your children. Read one chapter per day and this will make them look forward to the next event every time, you put down the book to keep them curious.
5. Make a Project
Plan with your children and create a project that you must work together and finish within a specific timeline. This could be making a playhouse, decorating their playroom, or making a garden. This project should not, however, finish within a day. Choose a project that will allow you to complete it after a week or so. Then make a schedule on how you will execute the project.
The main takeaway here is to emphasize the term ‘fun’. Many parents become unmindful in choosing the activities. Some or most of them just choose to merely keep their child busy without knowing if the child is still interested in doing the same activity over and over again. Find activities that can target developing skills while having fun. It is therefore imperative to provide your child an activity that will let him or her engage in every day, safe, adult-facilitated play.
Writer: Hazel May Vinluan-Kim