Make Your Vacation a Blast With This Checklist!

It is the time of the year again when parents are planning for their summer trips again. And because we can’t travel far this year because of the pandemic, local trips are very popular this time. Packing is perhaps one of the most tiring things that mommies do when travelling. I personally can speak for this, because almost every weekend my husband takes us out of town or go to hotels for staycation. Sounds fun isn’t it? It is! But before the fun, mommy has to do all the planning and packing and when you forget something, it is still your fault. That is why I ended up making a checklist which I posted on our board, to save me from thinking and remembering the things I need to pack, which, like I said, happens almost 3 times a week.
Depending on the place where you are going, and how many days you are staying, the list can vary. But this time, let’s focus on summer vacation trips. Everybody waited for this season when they do not have to wear layers and layers of clothing to keep their bodies warm. Parks and playgrounds have opened, and camping areas are available again although they have to observe social distancing.
Traveling with a child means you need to be a Girl Scout mom who is always ever ready for whatever circumstance. Children always need endless stuff that they will remember when you are outside and they start missing home.
Therefore, mommies need to be ready if you do not want to ruin your vacation.
Here is the list that I often use when I pack for a trip:
1. Cute Outfits
Vacations are the best time to style your child and because they do not need to wear layered clothes, they also love wearing stylish clothes to display their cuteness. Do not bring complicated clothes because children tend to be so excited and love doing various activities. If you let them wear clothes with too many details, chances are, they might lose one of those precious beadings or buttons. It is important to be comfortable and effortless yet looks chic and adorable. This could be playsuits, short pants, jumpsuits, twirly dresses, hats and athleisure apparel. These types of clothing will surely tickle their fancy and make them feel good when wearing it. Pack several clothes because children frequently change their clothes especially when they dirty or wet. Do not forget to bring extra footwear as well.
2. Snacks
Bring your child’s favorite snacks because they might not be available at the place where you are going. Put them in small containers or in containers where you can stack each other and place their entire favorite nibble snacks in it. That way, you do not need to bring different packages.
3. Medicines
Knock on wood, we do not want any accidents or ailments to happen during the trip but accidents are inevitable, therefore pack some bandages, alcohol, Tylenol, cough and colds medicine, thermometer, insect bites cream, wound cream and other first aid medicines not only for your child but also parents.
4. Utensils
Bring your child’s own utensils. This can ensure that they are using clean ones and are more comfortable eating with their own spoons and fork. You can also bring extra water bottles. I love bringing thermos type of water bottles for my son because it helps keep the food warm or water cold. With the scorching hot weather, it is important to hydrate your children often and giving them something cool to drink.
5. Small Bag of Toys and Books
I try to collect miniature of his favorite toys in a small pouch, which I pack along when traveling. I do not let him play with it at home so that he doesn’t get tired of playing with them. Every time he sees the pouch, he gets excited and keeps him busy. I also bring books that I read to him whenever we travel either in the car or at the hotel.
6. Alcohol and Wet Wipes
This is important especially currently when everybody seems to be a microphobe. I always bring my alcohol in a big spray container so I could use it to spray surfaces, a big bottle of hand sanitizer is also very handy to make sure those hands are always clean. Wet wipes are my best friend and I always brings 2 big bags of wet wipes to make sure I do not run out of wipes.
7. Extra Plastic Bags
This is where you put your garbage or soiled clothes, so it does not mix with the clean ones. This is very handy to pack.
8. Sunblock and Portable Fans
The weather is so hot therefore making sure that you lather your child’s skin with sunblock for protection and bring portable fans that can be used wherever you go. This will keep your child cool and protected.
9. Shampoo and Soap
Bring your child’s own shampoo and soap. There are shampoo and soap in one, so that will be easier to bring. This is to ensure your child will not get any allergic reactions to other soaps which might be too harsh for them.
Surely, there are many more that mommies want to add but these are my basics. As your child grows, the lesser you need to bring because you do not need to bring diapers and milk anymore that add up to your load. What is important is you are not empty-handed and is ready whatever happens.
Writer: Hazel May Vinluan-Kim