5 Eating Habits for Your Children to Become More Ethical

Well-mannered children are the apple of everyone's eye. They have an honorable place in society. Hence, parents are too intentional about their children. First, they teach them eating manners. Those make their children acceptable in society. Besides, it is the most important subject to be aware of the eating habits of your children which make them ethical. But it's the sturdiest task to teach your children eating manners. Sometimes, mothers feel fed up with children's postures towards food. However, with constant training, children behave decently at the dining table.
1. Eating Timetable:
It is necessary for children's health to set an eating timetable for them. Once, I have made an eating schedule for my kids and pasted it on the refrigerator. In the early days, they found it challenging to follow that schedule. Over a period, they became habitual. Now, if they perceive me doing something else, remind me of that schedule. I enjoy their mindfulness about health. Furthermore, when others see my children as punctual, they appreciate them. Also, consider them ethical. That moment makes me proud of my children in front of others.
2. Prefer Healthy Food:
In my academy, mothers often complain to me that their children do not prefer healthy food. They want unhealthy snacks or fast food. If mothers urge them to eat domestic food, they refuse to eat. Therefore, I constantly share my experiences with those mothers.
What do I usually do with my children? I always give concise detail on healthy food. I narrate to them the importance of healthy food. Furthermore, I never refuse their eating desire. I provide fast food every 15 days. After finishing that, I compare their selection with healthy food. Then let them decide what’s right for them. They understand me. Then, a routine of healthy food has been started and continues till the renewal of one-time unhealthy food.
3. Gratitude Practice:
Parents usually watch TV while eating food. Either they are busy with gossips at the dining table. Thus, their children follow them. They also prefer to watch tv, listen to music, talking each other, or play with their toys while eating. It is not profitable for your children. They will never pay attention to the diet. Consequently, they would not enjoy its actual taste. Therefore, their less interest in eating will not satisfy their appetite and brain. They will try to finish their food faster, to continue their activities. It is painful. You must ask them to eat food attentively and experience its taste. Once they start to eat properly, they will be grateful for the food. However, you must make them realize that food is the basic need of human beings. So, we should be grateful for having food. Their gratitude will make them more ethical.
4. Start Eating With a Small Amount:
We need to teach our children to start with a small amount of food. Take a small plate and fill it for your child. His appetite will be satisfied with this. If he needs more, then provide him more. When you proffer importance to your child's appetite, your child will be used too with it. It will become his permanent habit to take food according to his appetite. This eating habit of your child will be the foundation for his good reputation in society. In addition, the obstacle of overeating and under eating both will be solved with it. Starting with a small amount is a great eating ethic which enhances your children respect in society.
5. Share a Meal With Others:
Great satisfaction comes from sharing with others.Counselor Arhin
Appreciate your child when he shares food with others. I always invite someone to a meal to teach my children how to share with others and how it impacts them? At the dining table, I offer eatables to that invited person. My children notice my routine. Now, they offer food items to our guests respectfully. Despite this, whenever we go outside, they share money with needy people. I always enjoy seeing them doing that.
I apply another technique to teach them about sharing. I usually arrange kids' parties and motivate them to share. They all enjoy sharing their food as well. This education has a deep impact on them. With their growing age, children adopt this sharing habit completely.
Teaching a child isn't very tough if you are a role model for him. Children learn by observing things. The more humane they observe, the more decent they'll be. Today, you're preparing your child; tomorrow, he'll be an ethical adult. That will be the cause of your pride and satisfaction with your children.
Writer: Tayyaba Maryam