Why Do People Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Many countries across the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. They send gifts, flowers, and love messages to their partners and family members to show affection. In fact, it is an annual festival to celebrate love, affection, and admiration. Most people celebrate Valentine’s Day without knowing its history.
Here the main query arises, why do people celebrate Valentine’s Day? People celebrate valentine’s day to express their love, admiration, and affection with their partners. But in history, Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine, a Catholic Priest who was executed since he started secretly marrying Christian soldiers against Claudius’s orders. 14 February was his death date; therefore, people celebrate Valentine’s Day to commemorate his death anniversary. In the Middle Ages, poet Chaucer was the first to link St Valentine with celebrations of romantic love.
Let’s uncover the history of valentine’s day in this post. Have a look to know more.
Why Do We Celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14?
We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14 to commemorate the death anniversary of St. Valentine, who was martyred in secretly marrying soldiers despite no marry rule. Earlier, 15 February was the celebration date of the Pagan festival Lupercalia. After Rome reverted to Christianity, Pope Gelasius declared 14 February as Valentine’s Day celebration and abolished Lupercalia celebrations.
What Is the History of Valentine’s Day?
In the 3rd century, Saint Valentine was a Catholic Priest who lived in Rome. At that time, Romans were changing their religion and converting to Christianity. Emperor Claudius II was pagan. He made rules to prevent Romans from converting to Christianity. He decided to stop young from marrying since he thought that single soldiers were better than family and wives. St Valentine was aware of the importance of love. He started marrying Christians secretly and was jailed and then put to death on 14 February in 270.
According to another claim, Pagan’s festival Lupercalia was celebrated on 15 February. After Rome became Christian, pope Gelasius of the Catholic Church abolished Lupercalia celebrations and established 14 February as St. Valentine’s Day. In the Middle Ages, Poet Geoffrey Chaucer linked Valentine’s Day with the expression of love in his poem “Parliament of Foules,” and the ritual spread throughout the world.
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
The truth about Valentine’s day is it is celebrated to commemorate the sacrifice of St. Valentine, who understood the importance of love and lost his life in secretly marrying couples. St. Valentine was the name of love and romance. Another evidence says that February was birds’ mating season in France and England. This idea was also added, and the middle of February became a day for the celebrations of love.
Earlier, the written Valentine was not popular until 1400. Later, it became a trend when poets like Chaucer and Charles used it in their poetry to symbolize their loved ones.
Why Is Valentine’s Day Bad?
Valentine’s day is not bad itself, but the pressure of not getting desired gifts has materialized love’s importance in a relationship. Love should indeed be expressed, but it should never be associated with a specific day. Love is a pure emotion that is not lessened if you can’t give expensive gifts to your loved ones.
What Countries Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Valentines’ day celebrations are gaining popularity worldwide, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and Europe. Valentine’s day celebrations gained popularity around the 17th Century in the UK. In the early 1700s, Americans began to exchange hand-made cards for greeting replaced with printed ones with technological advancement. Nowadays, people greet each other with gifts decorated with laces, ribbons, and colorful pictures.
Why are Red and Pink Colors of Valentine’s Day?
Red symbolizes the heart, and it is the color of love. Moreover, the Roman goddess of love admired red roses. Red and white make pink, and usually pink is related to wishing friends and family members on Valentine’s Day. However, red is for intimate relationships and love expressions.
Valentine’s Day Outfits for Kids
If you are searching for Valentine’s Day outfits for kids, Ozkiz has the best collection for girls and boys. The Adrian red dotted set and Marinette dress is perfect for girls to wear on Valentine’s day with “ddorong mary jane shoes.” The red flower Hanbok will also look great if your little girl wants to look Korean in this Valentine. A warm heart dress is another perfect match for your girl’s valentine’s day outfit.
Final Thoughts
Valentine’s day is the celebration of love and affection with your loved ones. This day also reminds the sacrifice of St. Valentine for meeting couples. Often, Valentine’s Day loses its worth since people materialize lovemaking. If you want to greet your loved ones, make sure not to restrict it only to Valentine’s Day. Indeed, expression is crucial for a healthy relationship. Therefore, besides greeting each other on Valentine’s Day, make sure to maintain a lifelong relationship in love.