How to Get Children to Help Around the House

Tips You Need Know to Get Your Kids to Help with Household Chores
Let's face it, getting your kids to help with the chores is often one of your most challenging chores. They will fight you until the bitter end, and more often than not, you lose the fight and end up putting their toys away for them.
Fortunately, there are some really good tricks to getting your kids to want to do their household chores. Just a little patience, the right words, some patience, encouragement, and a whole lot of patience, and your kids will be helping in no time.
How to Get Your Kids to Help Around the House
While it may feel like rocket science, getting your kids to help around the house is an art that anyone can master. Just follow these tips, and getting your kids to do chores will be much simpler.
Age-Appropriate Chores: Make sure that the chores your child is doing are age-appropriate. They're capable of a lot more than you might think, but if you're not giving them age-appropriate chores, it can overwhelm them and turn them off.
Start Early: Getting your child used to helping with household chores at an early age will prepare them to help later. Don’t wait until you think they’re old enough for an allowance or to understand. Children can learn to put away their toys at an incredibly early age.
Give Them a Title: Children love to feel important. Calling them your “little helper” can give them a confidence boost that will encourage them. They will want to prove that they are a helper.
Team: If you tell them that you’re doing it with them, they will be more inclined to participate. Children don’t like to be made to do something, but if they believe that they’re part of a team, they are more willing to help.
Family Chore Chart: Something that provides structure your child can understand is a family chore chart. They are more likely to do a chore without you even telling them if the chore is listed. Add incentive at the end, and the family chore chart will be completed faster.
Be Positive: Phrases like "you're doing so good" and "thank you so much" encourage repeat behavior. It reaches them on a feel-good level where they want to continue doing good for you. Drop ample praise on them as much as possible.
Avoid Criticism: Children are extremely sensitive beings, and criticism can shut them down. You want to help them in a creative way. Don't say, "you're doing this wrong." Say, "I love the way you do this. Do you want to see how I do it?" This will keep them interested in doing household chores.
Unfortunately, every child is different, and nothing is foolproof. Children will complain. You can do everything on this list right every time, and there will still be times that they do not want to help. That is ok.
Be patient with your child and provide an overwhelming amount of positive feedback, and they will be on board with helping with household chores.